воскресенье, 1 марта 2020 г.


Ubuntu subscribe unsubscribe , readers users here now Ubuntu Desktop online tour The Ubuntu community on Reddit This subreddit is for news, information and general discussion related to Ubuntu. July 25, at Going to switch to 64 bit now that I know it works. Relatively new to Linux and Ubuntu, have used a Wifi stick on my Dell for ages now, but with your help freed from that hassle!! It will be downloaded and installed.
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July 25, at I was almost giving up on this after a 3 day search. September 13, at After an hour reading various posts on how to get Ubuntu Linux wireless working, I found your post.

Post as a guest Name.

How to Fix Broadcom BCM4311 Wireless Driver on Ubuntu and Linux Mint

August 26, at 2: July 16, at 5: I had to restart, and then everything worked perfect. May 11, at 8: By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Been spending ages looking around for a solution! July 30, at 8: Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. You use the beta release if you want the latest versions. It's easier to understand.

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Is there anyways I can download the required driver on another laptop and copy it to the new machine? December 8, at 7: Here's a decent guide to broadcom drivers: Sign up using Email and Password.

June 23, at 5: Thanks this worked for my Dell D w bcm But for me wireleds work.

I understand very little of what I'm doing from reading all these forums, but basically I'm feeling pretty stumped right now. April 30, at 2: Now you have internet connection. Click toe Ubuntu icon on the top left.

Also, no need for the blacklist part.

July 13, at December 24, at No wireless connectivity on Dell Inspiron Ask Question. I was desperat to get my networkcard BCM to wirelss. It was very easy for me to follow.

July 28, at Thank you so much, both the autor and you. Wireless works on that. The first program I stuck onto the top bar was Gnome Terminal. July 20, at 5:

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